Stainless Steel Cookware Maintenance

Get the best our of your Stainless Steel Cookware

Stainless steel products made by Buffalo Cookware are designed to be long-lasting.

Users need to understand the nature of stainless steel. Cooking will lead to scratches and other marks, but with proper cleaning the products will remain in good condition. Nevertheless, once out of the box and in use, cookware will not always look brand new. 

You can expect your cookware to be reliable. To ensure top performance each time you use your cookware, regular cleaning is necessary. Improper care may affect how your rice cooker or pressure cooker functions.

Many chefs prefer stainless steel pans for their major cooking jobs. Unlike aluminum, stainless steel does not react with acidic foods. Although stainless steel is a tough metal, care is required when cleaning a pan made from this material. Here is a how to guide for cleaning your stainless steel cookware.

To get the best out of your stainless steel cookware, follow these simple steps to get the maximum satisfaction return!

  • Use a soft cloth or sponge
    When cleaning your stainless steel cookware, a soft cloth or sponge is the best tool for the job. Wet the cookware first. Then use a mild detergent and a soft cloth to wipe away any food debris and grease.
  • Use lemon juice to remove calcium
    Wet the stainless steel with lemon juice, and then clean as usual with a mild detergent and soft cloth.
  • Use hot water to remove stubborn stains
    Fill your cookware with tap water. Use enough to cover the stains. Then allow the water to boil. The debris should come off by itself without any hard scrubbing. While the water is still boiling, use a spatula or tongs with a cloth to gently rub the stained areas. You may also empty the hot water and then wipe the inside clean. Use caution when using this method to clean your cookware. Avoid scalding your hands.
  • Use a specialty cleanser for hard stains
    Choose a cleanser specifically designed for stainless steel, such as Buffalo's cleansing powder. Make a paste with the cleanser and some water, and rub it on the surface of the pan. Start in the center of the pan and work your way out in a circular motion, following the natural rings of the stainless steel.
  • Rainbow Patterns
    Rainbow marks happen for a variety of reasons. It may be because of minerals in the water or starch from cooking potatoes or canned beans. The best remedy is our powdered cleanser. It is gentle enough not to scratch, but tough enough to remove even burnt debris. Just dampen the pan, sprinkle the powder, rub around with a sponge, and give it a couple minutes to work. Scrub, wash, and rinse to remove the residue. Stainless steel is safe to use even with rainbow marks. It is mainly a mineral deposit plus some oil. Even if you leave it, it would not affect your cookware or your food.
  • Never use harsh chemicals
    Ammonia, bleach and other harsh chemicals may damage or discolour your stainless steel pan. 
    With proper care and cleaning techniques, your stainless steel cookware can provide years of quality service in your kitchen.
  • Vinegar
    In short, vinegar is an acid. Acid types and strengths vary. The acid in the vinegar will remove stains and bacteria. However, prolonged contact with stainless steel will cause corrosion, depending on the strength.
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